lunes, 5. agosto 2002

Kapitain Pilotu / Pilot Captain

Gaur Gabriel Aresti olerkaria aipatu nahi dut. Arestik Euskal olertia berritu zuen. Lan dexente burutu zuen euskara batuaren alde. Bilbon jaio eta hil zen (1933tik-1975ra).

Ni bizi naizen exea hain da zaharra... Euskal mendietako lehendabiziko harriaz zen labratu: aurreneko nafar haricaz zicaizkion ebaki habeak: Kantabriako lurretik ateratako buztinaz egositako estrainiako teilez eta adrailuez zuten estaldu... Exe zaharra, ederra, finkoa... Eta orain lur-ikara ukaragarri batek exearen oinarriak eta gilzarriak dauden harroka astincen du ikaragarriki. Exeak lurrarekin berdindu nahi du. Nik, kapitain pilotu honek, ez nuen inoiz abandonatu hondacen zen onzia, eta orain exe zaharraren teilatuaren azpian iraunen dut... Latin ixasora atera gabe. Nire exea, mendi artean ainguratu zen onzi zaharra; nafar harica, kantabres teila, euskal harria... Zure surtan errerik hilcen banaiz ere.

I wanna mention today the poet called Gabriel Aresti. He renewed Basque poetry. He also did a great literary job for the unified basque language or batua. He was born and died in Bilbao (1933-1975).

The house I live in is so old... It was carved with the first stone from the Basque mountains; beams were cut down from the first Navarran oak; they covered it with the first bricks and baked tiles with the first clay removed from Cantabrian floor... Old house, lovely, solid... And now, a terrible trembling on the floor shakes astonishingly the rock where there are the foundations and the cornerstones of the house. The house wants to collapse to earth. I, this pilot captain, will never leave the ship that was sinking, and now I will follow beneath the roof of the old house... Without going out of the latin sea. My home, old ship dropped between the mountains; Navarran oak, Cantabrian tile, Basque stone... Although I may die burnt among your flames.

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viernes, 2. agosto 2002

Baiona jaietan / Celebrations in Bayonne

Udan badira gure herrien artean beraien jaiak ospatzen dituztenak. Gaur Baionaren txanda da. Tamalez, ni ez naiz inoiz egon Baionako jaietan baina parranda dexente egon omen da.

Umeentzat ere ekintza interesgarriak egiten dira. Gaur adibidez, haurren danborrada eta entzierro txikia.


In summer, there are many of our villages that celebrate their local parties. Today it's Baiona's turn. Unfortunately, I haven't ever been to Baiona's celebrations but it is said that they really enjoy it.

There are also interesting acts for children. Today, for example, playing of drums for children and running in front of the pretended bulls.

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miércoles, 31. julio 2002

panpin etxea / the house of the dolls

Umeei, beno, neskeei batez ere panpinekin jolastea laket zaie. Baina panpinek ere beraien etxea behar dute, noski baietz. Hemen duzue, eta irudian agertzen diren gauza garrantzitsuen izena.

panpinetxea (image/pjpeg, 191 KB)

Children, but mostly girls really enjoy playing with dolls. But these also need their home, of course. Here you are and the name of the most important things that appear in the picture.

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domingo, 28. julio 2002

Euskal letrak / Basque fonts

Momentuz izenburuetan erabiltzen ari naizen letra mota Vasca da (edo Vasca Berria noizbehinka ere). Badaezpada gure Euskal Etxera Antvillen igo ditut eta hemendik jaits ditzakezue:

fonts (application/x-zip-compressed, 21 KB)


I'm using a kind of Basque fonts (Vasca and sometimes Vasca Berria) for titles. Anyway I've uploaded them to our Basque Home in Antville and you can download them from the previous link.

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sábado, 27. julio 2002

Mari (gaur mitologia piskat) / Mary (some mitology today)

Lurra, Amalur-Etxea euskal mitologiaren gurpil eta ardatza da. Mari lurraren antzirudia da eta jeinu guztien ama. Mariren etxea leizea da. Etxe asko ditu Marik, eta denak gure mendi tontorretako leizean: Anboto, Aketegi (Aitzgorrin), Txindoki (Aralarren), eta abar.

Dama galanta eta ederra da Mari, lurpekoen andere, trumoi eta tximisten gidari. Zazpi urtero doa leize batetik bestera argi biziz inguraturik.

The Earth (Amalur, Home) is the center of Basque Mitology. Mary is the personification of Earth. Mary's home is the cave. Mary has many houses and all of them are in the caves of our heights: Anboto, Aketegi (in Aitzgorri), Txindoki (in Aralar), etc.

Mary is a smart and beautiful lady, lady of depths, guides the thunders and lightnings. Every seven years she moves from cave to cave by the air, surrounded by an intense light.

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miércoles, 24. julio 2002

Euskal Baserria / Typical Basque home

Euskal baserria oso tipikoa da gure paisaietan. Mendeak pasa ta gero han jarraitzen dira baserrien harrizko ormak, Euskal ispirituaren indarra erakusten.
Gaztelugoitia baserria

Gaztelugoitia Baserria. Abadiño, Bizkaia

Basque home baserria is very typical in our countrysides. As centuries go by, the stone made walls of these traditional homes maintain themselves there, showing the strengthness of the Basque Spirit.
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martes, 23. julio 2002

tristura / sadness

Joan zen igandean euskal mendigoizale bat hil zen. Mikel Ruiz de Apodaka zuen izena. Istripua Frantses Pirineotan gertatu zen igoera hasten zegoenean, bide erraz batetik.

Gure eskertasuna eta pentsamendua zuretzat doa, Mikel.


Last Sunday a basque climber died. His name was Mikel Ruiz de Apodaka. The accident happened in the French Pirinees, when he had started climbing an easy way.

Our gratitude and thought is with you, Mikel.

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jueves, 18. julio 2002

Zerbait jan nahi baduzue... / If you wanna eat something...

Gose zarete, ezta? Ba zuek erabaki gehiago gustatzen zaizuena. Agian gereziak, laranjak, muxikak edo Idiazabalgo gazta ogi zatitxo batekin...

Zerbait jan nahi dut / I wanna eat something
donut06 (image/pjpeg, 155 KB)

You are hungry, aren't you? Then you can choose what you like most. Maybe some cherries, oranges, peaches or Idiazabal cheese with a piece of bread...

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miércoles, 17. julio 2002


San Ferminak bukatu eta gero jendeak datorren urtea heldu arte itxaron behar du. Orain pasa dituzun momentu onak behin eta berriz gogoratzea besterik ez zaizu geratzen. Horretarako izen bat dut: nostalgia.


After San Fermin party has finished people have to wait till next year comes. Remembering now, once and again, your best moments is the only thing you may do. I've got a name for this: nostalgia.

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lunes, 15. julio 2002

tamalez, bukatu dira / unfortunately, they are finished

Aurtengo San Ferminak bukatu dira eta Pobre de mí kantatzea eta hurrengorarte itxarotea besterik ez zaigu falt. Jaiaren amaiera adierazten du kantak eta 14aren gaueko 12etan kandela batekin abesten da.

This year's San Fermin celebrations have finished today and we can do nothing but sing Pobre de mí and wait till next year's. It's the end of the party and it must be sung with a candle.
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sábado, 13. julio 2002

herri kirola / basque sports

Euskal Herrian herri kirolak ditugu eta mundura atera ditzakegu. Hauen artean zesta punta hedatuenetariko bat da. Ameriketan orain dela urte asko ezagutzen dute eta pilotari asko itxasoaren beste aldera abiatu ziren.

We have some traditional sports in the Basque Country and we may export them to the world. Among them the most extended one may be zesta punta. It's a long time since it's known in America and many players left to play abroad.

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viernes, 12. julio 2002

nere herriko neskatza maite / beloved girl of my village

Gaur berriz kantu tradizional bat. Hauxe ere telebistan maiz ikusten dut, Benito Lertxundiren oso kanta ezagun bat.

Nere herriko neskatza maite Ahozko lorez zaitut gaur laztantzen Itsaso garden, lur gozoko landare Kresalaren usain, zeru kolore Nere bihotzaren taupaden hotsez Zure grazia dut kantatzen.

Bihotz minberen egunsentia Herri sufrituaren lamia Ipuin zaharren piper eta eztia Erreka garbien kantu bitxia Udazken lizunez zaude jantzia Izar zerutarren irria.

Lanbro artetik itsas geldira Leunki zoazen txori airosa Amodiozko sentipenaren hatsa Zure ezpainetan loratuz doa Goizeko ihintzetan belardi zera Eguzkitan zilar dizdira.


Today a traditional song again. I use to watch this one on TV too, a very well known song by Benito Lertxundi.

Beloved girl of my village I caress you today with the flowers of my mouth Transparent ocean, plant of fertile land Smell of sea water, color of the sky With the sounds of the beats of my heart I sing your charm.

Dawn of the hurting heart Lamia(*) of the suffering people Pepper and honey of the old tales Nice song of the clean streams You are dressed of lush autumn Smile of the stars in the sky.

From the mist to the stillness of the sea Graceful bird that goes sweetly Breath with the feeling of love That is flowering in your lips You are the meadow in the morning dews Silver shining in the sun.

(*) Lamia is a popular and folkloric character in the Basque Country.

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martes, 9. julio 2002

Hauxe da geure herria! / This is our country!

Gaur Euskal Herriaren mapa erakutsi nahi dizuet.

ehmapa (image/pjpeg, 146 KB)

Euskal Herriaren mapan zazpi herrialde eta eskualde guztiak ikus daitezke. Tamalez argazkiaren egoera ez da onena, baina gutxienez hemen dago.
Txikitatik gorde izan dut!!

I want to show you a map of the Basque Country.

In this map you can see its seven provinces as well as the different regions. Unfortunately, the photograph is not very well conserved, but at least you have it here.
I keep it with me since I was a child!

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lunes, 8. julio 2002

aizkorak zorroztu / sharpen the axes

Gaur Fermin Muguruza eta Dut kanta ikaragarria dugu eskenatokian, benetan gustatzen zaidan bat. Bereziki hizkuntzaren alde eskaintzen digun mezua.

8.000 urtez lurralde honetan Herria gorputza, hizkuntza bihotza Oinarria lurra, euskarri gaztedia Konplexupeko garaia aspaldian pasa da. Horregatik entzun esango dizudana Euskaldun berria nauzu, begirune osoa Gu ere zerbait bagara, hitz egidazu Euskaraz Euskalduna bazara, hitz egidazu Euskaraz

Aizkorak zorroztu

Gutako bakoitzak har dezan gotorlekua Hizkuntz ahul eta zahar honentzat, Gal ditzagun lotsa eta aurreritziak Sendo dadila gure hizkera Haur, agure eta animaliekin ezezik Erabil dezagun guztiekin berdin. Izan dadila lan tresna eraginkorrena, Bizi dadila beste hainbeste mendetan.

Euskara mara-mara hirialdera helduko gara, Euskara mara-mara akelarrearen algaraz, Euskara mara-mara Kromletxaren taupadaz; Mendebaldeko kultura kolokan jartzera, Askatasuna baitugu auzolan honen xedea

Ez naiz sentituko arrotz nire herrian Etxean ibiltzeko? %30-ren artean? Mundu zabalean bada gure mintzoa Bizitzaren alde basatia Wild side Euskara

Bagara, udara, algara, brigada Dardara, Euskara, maskara, taupada Armada, asanblada, balada, patxada Izarra, zirrara, ikara, gebara

Sahara, Granada, Atxaga, Araba Abiada, granada, zartada, galtzada Lurkara, bultzada, islada, alaba Ezaba, bolada, ilada, landara

Bagara, zirrara, galtzada, taupada Bagara, brigada, Euskara, alaba

Aizkorak zorroztu   Euskalduna bazara, hitz egidazu Euskaraz

Aizkorak zorroztu

We have today an incredible song performed by Fermin Muguruza eta Dut, one that I really like. Specially the message it expresses about Basque language.

For 8.000 years on this land The people have been the body and language, the heart The base is the land, youth its support Time of complexes has long been over That's why you should listen to what I'm gonna tell you I'm a late Basque speaker, total respect If we too are anything, speak to me in Basque If you're Basque, speak to me in Basque

Sharpen the axes

Let each one of us become a fortress For this fragile and millenary tongue Let's get over our shame and prejudices Let's strengthen our tongue Not only with children, elder people and animals Let's use it with everybody in the same way May it become the most efficient and working tool May it live on down through the centuries

Basque flows slowly, we'll reach the city centre Basque flows slowly, with the joy of a witches sabbath Basque flows slowly, with the beat of the Kromlec'h Questioning western culture Because we are free and our objective is team work

I'm not gonna feel a foreigner in my own land To be at home? Among the 30%? Our language is alive in the hole world The wild side of live Wild side Basque

We are, summer, chuckle, brigade Tremble, Basque, mask, beat Army, assembly, ballad, calm Star, excitement, shiver, Guevara

Sahara, Grenade, Atxaga, Araba Speed, grenade, slap, pavement Earthy, push, reflection, daughter Unmaking, crowd, row, plant

We are, excitement, pavement, beat We are, brigade, Basque, daughter

Sharpen the axes

If you're Basque, speak to me in Basque

Sharpen the axes

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jueves, 4. julio 2002

magia berezia / special magic

Gaur Donostiako Kontxa hondartza aurkeztu nahi dizuet. Begirada bat bota eta seguraski nirekin ados egongo zarete: "Easo Ederrak" magia berezi bat du, dudarik gabe.


I want to introduce you Kontxa Beach today. Have a look and you'll agree with me for sure: "Beautiful Easo" has some kind of special magic, no doubt.

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