Kapitain Pilotu / Pilot Captain

Gaur Gabriel Aresti olerkaria aipatu nahi dut. Arestik Euskal olertia berritu zuen. Lan dexente burutu zuen euskara batuaren alde. Bilbon jaio eta hil zen (1933tik-1975ra).

Ni bizi naizen exea hain da zaharra... Euskal mendietako lehendabiziko harriaz zen labratu: aurreneko nafar haricaz zicaizkion ebaki habeak: Kantabriako lurretik ateratako buztinaz egositako estrainiako teilez eta adrailuez zuten estaldu... Exe zaharra, ederra, finkoa... Eta orain lur-ikara ukaragarri batek exearen oinarriak eta gilzarriak dauden harroka astincen du ikaragarriki. Exeak lurrarekin berdindu nahi du. Nik, kapitain pilotu honek, ez nuen inoiz abandonatu hondacen zen onzia, eta orain exe zaharraren teilatuaren azpian iraunen dut... Latin ixasora atera gabe. Nire exea, mendi artean ainguratu zen onzi zaharra; nafar harica, kantabres teila, euskal harria... Zure surtan errerik hilcen banaiz ere.

I wanna mention today the poet called Gabriel Aresti. He renewed Basque poetry. He also did a great literary job for the unified basque language or batua. He was born and died in Bilbao (1933-1975).

The house I live in is so old... It was carved with the first stone from the Basque mountains; beams were cut down from the first Navarran oak; they covered it with the first bricks and baked tiles with the first clay removed from Cantabrian floor... Old house, lovely, solid... And now, a terrible trembling on the floor shakes astonishingly the rock where there are the foundations and the cornerstones of the house. The house wants to collapse to earth. I, this pilot captain, will never leave the ship that was sinking, and now I will follow beneath the roof of the old house... Without going out of the latin sea. My home, old ship dropped between the mountains; Navarran oak, Cantabrian tile, Basque stone... Although I may die burnt among your flames.


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azken aldaketa: 18/7/11 23:05
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