domingo, 12. abril 2009

Azkue Fundazioa / Azkue Foundation

Norbaitek ezagutzen al du zer egiten duen erakunde honek? Euskararen alde lan egiten omen du. Hori da horri buruz ezagutzen dudana momentuz. Lan eskaintza bat agertu da pasa den asteburuko egunkarian eta irrikan nago...

(Bai, badakit urte pilo bat pasa dira azkena argitaratu nuenetik baina... NOSTALGIA!)

Does anybody know what does this institution do? It seams that it supports the basque language. That is the only thing about it that I know for the moment. A work offer appeared in last weekend's newspaper and I'm curious about it...

(Yeah, I know it's YEARS since my last post, but... NOSTALGIA!)

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sábado, 22. febrero 2003

Denok gara Egunkaria / We are all Egunkaria

We are all EGUNKARIA

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viernes, 23. agosto 2002

azkenean... oporrak!! / finally... holidays!!

Bai, bai, azkenean heldu dira... Gogoak banituen, bai. Eta nora joango naiz??? Jajaja, ba EUSKAL HERRIRA, noski!!

Laster arte!

oporretan EHra

Yes, they are here at last... I was anxious to get them. And where do you think I will go? Ha ha ha, TO THE BASQUE COUNTRY, of course.

See you soon!

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lunes, 19. agosto 2002


Gaur beste herriko kanta. Honi buruz aldi askotan entzuten nuen txikitan (eskerrik asko Ama).

Maritxu, nora zoaz, eder galant ori? Iturrira, Barttolo, nai badezu etorri. Iturrian zer dago? Ardotxo txuria; Biak edango degu nai degun guzia.

Maritxu, zuregana biltzen naizenean, Poza nabaitutzen det nere barrenean. Barttolo, nik ere det atsegin artutzen, Ur billa noanean, banazu laguntzen.

Maritxu, baldin asmo badezu ezkontzea, Lendabiziko nitzaz oroitu zaitia. Zure mende jartzen naiz denbora biziko, Barttolokin etzera gaizki eroriko.


Today another popular song. I've heard of it many times when I was a child (thank you Mum)...

Maritxu, where are you going, so pretty and smart? I'm going to the spring of water, Barttolo, if you wanna come. What is there, in the spring of water? White wine; We will both drink all we'll want.

Maritxu, every time I get close to you, I feel the happiness inside. Barttolo, I also like you, When I'm looking for water, if you wanna help me.

Maritxu, if you have the intention of getting married, Remember me first. I'm ready for you all the time With Barttolo you will go back home.

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domingo, 18. agosto 2002

Aste Nagusiaren kartela / the poster of the party

Gaur Aste Nagusiaren kartela erakutsi nahi dizuet, besterik ez. Bilbon egon bazaitezkete (ze zorte zuena!), ondo pasa. Jaia jo ta ke!!

Aste Nagusia 2002

Today I wanna show you the poster of Bilbao's celebrations, nothing else. If you have the chance of being in Bilbao (how lucky you are!), enjoy yourself. Party non-stop!!

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sábado, 17. agosto 2002

Badator Marijaia / Here comes Marijaia

Marijaia euskal mitologia tradizionalaren sinbolo bat da eta Bilboko jaietako ordezkari handiena seguraski. Pertsonai hau kartoiz eginda dago eta 1978ko Aste Nagusian ageri zen lehenbizian.

Hurrengo kanta Kepa Junkerarena da.

Aste Nagusia bakarra dago hamar gauekoa munduan. Abuztuan Bilbon denok kalera katuak eurak be jaietan.

Mari, Mari, Marijaia dator (bis) Uger, uger, Bilboko uretan Mari, Mari Marijaia dator.

Abuztuan danok zahar eta gazte, gizon eta andre jaietan Zapia lepoan alkar hartuta kolore guztiak dantzetan Goxa eta erlojua ez ei doaz batera bata edo bestea zoratu egin da

Hara hara hara, hara nor datorren, hara hara hara gure Marijaia Ene ene ene oi ai ene bada, aste hau pasata barriro joango da Marijaia bera, gure Marijaia, Bilbora etorri da Aste Nagusira

Aste Nagusi bakarra munduan, bakarra munduan Marijaia


Marijaia is a symbol in the traditional basque mitology and is for sure the biggest representative character in Bilbao's celebrations. It is made of cardboard and it firstly appeared in the summer festival week of 1978.

The next song is performed by Kepa Junkera.

The Summer Festival Week is the only one in the world with ten nights. In August everybody in Bilbao goes out to the street, even the cats enjoy the party.

Mari, Mari, Marijaia comes (bis) Swim, swim, in the waters of Bilbao Mari, Mari Marijaia comes.

In August everybody the elderly and the young, ladies and gentlemen in the party The scarf in the neck agreed with all the dancing colours It seems that joy and time don't agree, one of them is wrong

Look over there, who is coming over there, look over there our Marijaia Ow! Oh dear, when this week goes by she will go away Marijaia herself, our Marijaia, has come to Bilbao to the Summer Festival Week

This is the only summer festival week in the world, the unique Marijaia in the world

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viernes, 16. agosto 2002

tradizioak / traditions

Geure historiaren zehar, aintzinako tradizioak mantentzen ahalegin dugu. Ematen duena baino garrantzitsuagoa da. Hori nabaritzen da hurrengo argazkian. Baina gaur ez dut tradizioei buruz hitzegin nahi, gorputzaren zatiei buruz baizik. Eta hori guzti hori nahiz eta argazkia piska bat berezia izan.

tradizioak (image/pjpeg, 164 KB)

Throughout our history, we have tried to maintain our customs. That is much more important that what it seems. And it is clear in the next photograph. But I don't want to talk about traditions today, but illustrate some parts of the human body. All this though the picture is somehow special.

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jueves, 15. agosto 2002

zubi esekia / suspension bridge

Bizkaia Zubiak Portugalete eta Areeta lotzen ditu. Metalez eginda dago eta 63 metroko garaiera du. 1893ko uztailaren 28an inauguratu zuten. Nerbioi ibaia zeharkatu behar duten guztien eguneroko pasabidea da, gau eta egun etenik gabe ibiltzen da eta.


The Bridge of Bizkaia connects the towns of Portugalete and Las Arenas. It is made of metal and it is 63m high. It was inaugurated on 28 October 1893. It represents the daily way to cross Nervion River as it works non-stop during day and night.

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martes, 13. agosto 2002


Izen honek leku garrantzitsu bat merezi du gure historian zehar. 1936ko urriaren 7an eratu zen Euskadiko lehen Jaurlaritza eta Jose Antonio Agirre izendatu zuten haren lehendakari. Gernikan gertatu zen. Baina 1937ko apirilaren 26an bonbak lehertu zituzten bertan... Picassoren koadro famatuak izen berdina du eta bidegabekeria mundura salatzeko jaio zen.


This name deserves an important place in our history. On 7 October 1936 the first Basque Government was constituted and Jose Antonio Agirre was named its first president. It happened in Gernika. But next year, on 26 April 1937, bombs exploded in the same village... The famous painting by Picasso has the same name and it was born to tell the world against this horrible crime.

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lunes, 12. agosto 2002

berri txarrak / bad news

Ez, zorionez ez zait ezer txarra gertatu. Izenburu hau talde baten izena da. Musika ona egiten dute eta nire gustokoen artean daude. Gaur, Ikasten kanta.

Gaur atzo baino gehiago dakit Baina bihar baino gutxiago Hala gertatu ohi da behintzat Eskolaz kanpo

Jaiotzeko momentu beretik Hasten gara asimilatzen Eta lekzio zailenak beti Denborak irakasten dizkigu


Akatsetatik, herri bezala Barkamena eskatzen, ixilik egoten Gehiago entzuten, aukeratzen Denbora aprobetxatzen, kantak egiten Ikasten, ikasten

Haurrengandik, liburuetatik Agureengandik, beste kulturetatik ikasten

Iraganetik ...orainetik ...etorkizunetik Zugandik ...nigandik ...guregandik


Hau ez da behin ere gelditzen

Ikasten, beti nire adimena zabaltzen ikasten, momentu oro


No, nothing bad has happened to me fortunately. The title is the name of a music group. They play good music and they are among my preferences. Today, Ikasten ('Studying') song.

I know more things than yesterday But less than tomorrow At least that's the way it happens Out of the school We have started assimilating From the moment of your birth And time shows us The most difficult lessons

Learning from our errors As a country To ask for forgiveness To shut up To listen more To choose To enjoy our time To write songs

Learning from children From books From elderly people From other cultures

Learning from the past From the present From the future From you From me From us


This never stops Learning Always opening up my mind Learning In all time From you From us


This never stops Learning Always opening up my mind Learning In all time

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domingo, 11. agosto 2002

Donostia jarraitzen da! / San Sebatian is next!

Aste honetan Donostiaren txanda da. Aurten hiriaren futbolari ohiak izan dira hasiera eman dutenak. Aste Nagusia biziki pasa behar da, baina gogoratu beranduago datorrena Bilbokoa izango dela.

Falta den bakarra eguzkia omen da. Ea gaurtik aldatzen den eguraldia...


This week is San Sebastian's turn. This year has corresponded to former soccer players of this city to start the party. The party week must be enjoyed vividly, but don't forget Bilbao's comes next.

The only thing we may miss is the sun. Let's see if the weather changes today...

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sábado, 10. agosto 2002

ikurrina / basque flag

Euskaldunok bandera bat dugu. Hauxe da ikurrina eta munduko politenetako bat da, seguraski (espero dut pentsamendu berdina dezazuela ;-). Gure herriko ordezkaria da munduan zehar.


We Basques have our own flag. This is called ikurrina and may be for sure one of the most beautiful flags in the world (I hope you think so ;-). It represents our country around the world.

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viernes, 9. agosto 2002

aizkolariak / woodcutters

Aizkorak betidanik baserrien bizitzan erabili dira. Baina baita orain ere, herri kirol bat da eta kanpotarrek badakite basoan aizkora batekin kristorenak egin ditzakegula. Batik bat enborrak!


Axes have been used for so long in everyday's life in our country houses. But also now, it is a popular sport and foreigners do know we can do much work in the forest with them. Above all, drums know well!

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miércoles, 7. agosto 2002

gaur kanta laburtxo bat / a short song today

Hitz batzuekin gauza asko esan daitezke. Adibide erraz eta eder bat kanta hau da, oso ezaguna. Mikel Laboa da egilea.

Hegoak ebaki banizkio nerea izango zen, ez zuen aldegingo.

Bainan, honela ez zen gehiago txoria izango eta nik... txoria nuen maite.


We can say a lot of things with a few words. A simple and beautiful example is this song, very famous. The author is Mikel Laboa.

If I cut its wings it would be mine, it wouldn't fly away.

But, in this way it wouldn't be a bird again and I... really loved the bird.

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martes, 6. agosto 2002

Abuztua hasteko: Gasteiz! / To begin August: Vitoria!

Abuztuan hiru jai aipagarriak ospatzen ditugu, Gasteizen, Donostian eta Bilbon. Baina lehenengoa "La Blanca" da. Zeledon da pertsonaia bereziena eta jaia irekitzen du bere euritakoa astintzen. Hain zuzen ere, Zeledon "Bereziak" taldearen artean ibiliko da aste osoan.


We celebrate three well-known "fiestas" in August, in Vitoria, San Sebastian and Bilbao. But the first one is "La Blanca". Celedon is the most representative character and he is the starting point to the party waving his umbrella. By the way, Celedon belongs to "Bereziak" group and will be with them during this week.

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