Badator Marijaia / Here comes Marijaia

Marijaia euskal mitologia tradizionalaren sinbolo bat da eta Bilboko jaietako ordezkari handiena seguraski. Pertsonai hau kartoiz eginda dago eta 1978ko Aste Nagusian ageri zen lehenbizian.

Hurrengo kanta Kepa Junkerarena da.

Aste Nagusia bakarra dago hamar gauekoa munduan. Abuztuan Bilbon denok kalera katuak eurak be jaietan.

Mari, Mari, Marijaia dator (bis) Uger, uger, Bilboko uretan Mari, Mari Marijaia dator.

Abuztuan danok zahar eta gazte, gizon eta andre jaietan Zapia lepoan alkar hartuta kolore guztiak dantzetan Goxa eta erlojua ez ei doaz batera bata edo bestea zoratu egin da

Hara hara hara, hara nor datorren, hara hara hara gure Marijaia Ene ene ene oi ai ene bada, aste hau pasata barriro joango da Marijaia bera, gure Marijaia, Bilbora etorri da Aste Nagusira

Aste Nagusi bakarra munduan, bakarra munduan Marijaia


Marijaia is a symbol in the traditional basque mitology and is for sure the biggest representative character in Bilbao's celebrations. It is made of cardboard and it firstly appeared in the summer festival week of 1978.

The next song is performed by Kepa Junkera.

The Summer Festival Week is the only one in the world with ten nights. In August everybody in Bilbao goes out to the street, even the cats enjoy the party.

Mari, Mari, Marijaia comes (bis) Swim, swim, in the waters of Bilbao Mari, Mari Marijaia comes.

In August everybody the elderly and the young, ladies and gentlemen in the party The scarf in the neck agreed with all the dancing colours It seems that joy and time don't agree, one of them is wrong

Look over there, who is coming over there, look over there our Marijaia Ow! Oh dear, when this week goes by she will go away Marijaia herself, our Marijaia, has come to Bilbao to the Summer Festival Week

This is the only summer festival week in the world, the unique Marijaia in the world


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azken aldaketa: 18/7/11 23:05
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