viernes, 12. julio 2002
nere herriko neskatza maite / beloved girl of my village Gaur berriz kantu tradizional bat. Hauxe ere telebistan maiz ikusten dut, Benito Lertxundiren oso kanta ezagun bat. Nere herriko neskatza maite
Ahozko lorez zaitut gaur laztantzen
Itsaso garden, lur gozoko landare
Kresalaren usain, zeru kolore
Nere bihotzaren taupaden hotsez
Zure grazia dut kantatzen.
Bihotz minberen egunsentia Herri sufrituaren lamia Ipuin zaharren piper eta eztia Erreka garbien kantu bitxia Udazken lizunez zaude jantzia Izar zerutarren irria. Lanbro artetik itsas geldira Leunki zoazen txori airosa Amodiozko sentipenaren hatsa Zure ezpainetan loratuz doa Goizeko ihintzetan belardi zera Eguzkitan zilar dizdira. Today a traditional song again. I use to watch this one on TV too, a very well known song by Benito Lertxundi. Beloved girl of my village
I caress you today with the flowers of my mouth
Transparent ocean, plant of fertile land
Smell of sea water, color of the sky
With the sounds of the beats of my heart
I sing your charm.
Dawn of the hurting heart Lamia(*) of the suffering people Pepper and honey of the old tales Nice song of the clean streams You are dressed of lush autumn Smile of the stars in the sky. From the mist to the stillness of the sea Graceful bird that goes sweetly Breath with the feeling of love That is flowering in your lips You are the meadow in the morning dews Silver shining in the sun.
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