miércoles, 31. julio 2002
panpin etxea / the house of the dolls Umeei, beno, neskeei batez ere panpinekin jolastea laket zaie. Baina panpinek ere beraien etxea behar dute, noski baietz. Hemen duzue, eta irudian agertzen diren gauza garrantzitsuen izena. panpinetxea (image/pjpeg, 191 KB) Children, but mostly girls really enjoy playing with dolls. But these also need their home, of course. Here you are and the name of the most important things that appear in the picture. link me |
8243 egun sarean
azken aldaketa: 18/7/11 23:05 Zu ez zara konektatuta ... konekta zaitez