lunes, 8. julio 2002
aizkorak zorroztu / sharpen the axes Gaur Fermin Muguruza eta Dut kanta ikaragarria dugu eskenatokian, benetan gustatzen zaidan bat. Bereziki hizkuntzaren alde eskaintzen digun mezua.
8.000 urtez lurralde honetan
Herria gorputza, hizkuntza bihotza
Oinarria lurra, euskarri gaztedia
Konplexupeko garaia aspaldian pasa da.
Horregatik entzun esango dizudana
Euskaldun berria nauzu, begirune osoa
Gu ere zerbait bagara, hitz egidazu Euskaraz
Euskalduna bazara, hitz egidazu Euskaraz
Aizkorak zorroztu Gutako bakoitzak har dezan gotorlekua Hizkuntz ahul eta zahar honentzat, Gal ditzagun lotsa eta aurreritziak Sendo dadila gure hizkera Haur, agure eta animaliekin ezezik Erabil dezagun guztiekin berdin. Izan dadila lan tresna eraginkorrena, Bizi dadila beste hainbeste mendetan. Euskara mara-mara hirialdera helduko gara, Euskara mara-mara akelarrearen algaraz, Euskara mara-mara Kromletxaren taupadaz; Mendebaldeko kultura kolokan jartzera, Askatasuna baitugu auzolan honen xedea Ez naiz sentituko arrotz nire herrian Etxean ibiltzeko? %30-ren artean? Mundu zabalean bada gure mintzoa Bizitzaren alde basatia Wild side Euskara Bagara, udara, algara, brigada Dardara, Euskara, maskara, taupada Armada, asanblada, balada, patxada Izarra, zirrara, ikara, gebara Sahara, Granada, Atxaga, Araba Abiada, granada, zartada, galtzada Lurkara, bultzada, islada, alaba Ezaba, bolada, ilada, landara Bagara, zirrara, galtzada, taupada Bagara, brigada, Euskara, alaba Aizkorak zorroztu Euskalduna bazara, hitz egidazu Euskaraz Aizkorak zorroztu We have today an incredible song performed by Fermin Muguruza eta Dut, one that I really like. Specially the message it expresses about Basque language. For 8.000 years on this land The people have been the body and language, the heart The base is the land, youth its support Time of complexes has long been over That's why you should listen to what I'm gonna tell you I'm a late Basque speaker, total respect If we too are anything, speak to me in Basque If you're Basque, speak to me in Basque Sharpen the axes Let each one of us become a fortress For this fragile and millenary tongue Let's get over our shame and prejudices Let's strengthen our tongue Not only with children, elder people and animals Let's use it with everybody in the same way May it become the most efficient and working tool May it live on down through the centuries Basque flows slowly, we'll reach the city centre Basque flows slowly, with the joy of a witches sabbath Basque flows slowly, with the beat of the Kromlec'h Questioning western culture Because we are free and our objective is team work I'm not gonna feel a foreigner in my own land To be at home? Among the 30%? Our language is alive in the hole world The wild side of live Wild side Basque We are, summer, chuckle, brigade Tremble, Basque, mask, beat Army, assembly, ballad, calm Star, excitement, shiver, Guevara Sahara, Grenade, Atxaga, Araba Speed, grenade, slap, pavement Earthy, push, reflection, daughter Unmaking, crowd, row, plant We are, excitement, pavement, beat We are, brigade, Basque, daughter Sharpen the axes If you're Basque, speak to me in Basque Sharpen the axes link me |
8243 egun sarean
azken aldaketa: 18/7/11 23:05 Zu ez zara konektatuta ... konekta zaitez